Probably not many have read the two previous blogs. However, it occurs to me, belatedly?, that I should at least note that ----- I WON the election for membership to the Board of AAMFT-CA. ( 3 years beginning in January.) As time permits, I will add to this post-- or add new ones for further thoughts/actions in re: ....
For now, suffice to express my gratitude and my excitement for the opportunity to further engage/educate/impact the process of a more people-sized mental health, medical and social reality. NUF-SAID (stanlee)
The View from Here. Where's Here? Well, it moves around a bit, but generally, Here is a little South of Hope and not too far North of Hel, whose Hounds are all too often nipping at my Heels.
Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Sunday, September 1, 2013
I am on the ballot
for the AAMFT-CA Board of Directors-- with my main "platform
plank" as getting our organizations to be proactive re: reimbursement
and administrative issues with insurance companies, Affordable Care act, and
more responsive to member concerns, etc
The ballot was e-blasted on 8/27. And voting closes 9/20. (If you have any difficulty with voting, please contact Gita Seshadri, Ph.D, Elections Council Chair, at
DID YOU KNOW that the general thrust of the corporatization of
health care has, for example, led the
AAMFT to passively accept and advise those of us who are insurance plan providers to “expect that the plans…will ask (us) to accept
presently receive. (AAMFT Family
Therap-eNews, 5/31/13)
Happy to address any questions and to hear your comments and ideas. Any help you can render-- of course-- greatly appreciated
THANK YOU VERY MUCH (and my apologies if you have received multiple announcements)
AAMFT-CA BOARD (For those who want to know more about me and my "platform.")